8 Benefits of Outdoor Yoga Therapy in Nature

Benefits of outdoor yoga therapy in nature

Outdoor Yoga Therapy in Nature

The journey of humans started in nature and has ended up inside the four walls. Now, humans are trying to go back to their root which is ‘nature’ and yoga plays an important role in it. The practice of yoga connects us deeply with the universe which includes its elements and energy. Yoga means ‘union’ or ‘connection’. Through yoga, we develop self-awareness and try to explore how we are connected to the earth and nature. Various illnesses can crop up from living the city life and the best way to get rid of these illnesses is to adopt a life that matches the rhythms of nature. This needs to start with the simple step of getting to know yourself and practicing yoga outdoors.

Many aspects of yoga are about being present in the moment and at one with nature, which is why many asanas are related to animals and nature. When you put your body into the shape of a tree or breathe like the cycle of tides or the ocean, a sense of harmony, timelessness, and connection to the universe and nature is evoked. Yoga is generally practiced indoors; but when it is practiced outdoors, it brings union with nature. You feel the inner peace rising again which was lost somewhere. Yoga teacher training in India has gained popularity and importance all around the globe as India being the birthplace of yoga where you will learn yoga in its authentic form. 

8 Benefits of Outdoor Yoga Therapy in Nature #yoga #therapy #nature #yogatherapy #benefits

There are many benefits of practicing outdoor yoga in nature and some of them are listed below:

1. Replenishes Depleted Energy 

Humans have evolved from nature and are deeply connected to it but due to the busy city lives, there has been a disconnection. Our brain recognizes that the body is back in its native environment when we spend time outside and regenerates itself to stay alert. 

When people spend time in natural settings like forests, it leads to increased feelings of vigor and vitality. The amount of energy that is depleted by staying in an artificial environment most of the time gets replenished by forming a strong bond with nature and its elements. 

2. Increases Awareness

One of the things that you cannot achieve in indoor yoga is a heightened level of senses. Practicing yoga outdoors means an additional boost to your consciousness. The fresh air of nature elevates your breathing process. 

Body awareness is when you know what is up without looking up, or knowing where your foot is even if you are not looking at it.  With this skill, you will be able to make an adjustment in a backbend or inversion safely and get deeper into any pose. In other words, you can get deeper into your own body. 

3. Grounding and Balancing

Practicing yoga outside barefoot provides a grounding effect. Your connection with the earth will happen when you actually experience it through the rootedness of the standing leg supporting you, rather than just visualizing it. 

Try to get comfortable with the unevenness of the ground as you practice balance poses and work with it. Challenge yourself to maintain balance poses by engaging the working muscles in a better way. Rooting down in our balances allows us to keep the upper body lifted and helps in rising up.

4. Revitalize Your Lungs

Practicing yoga in the open air will ensure inhaling of better-quality oxygen, which will break down pollutants and toxins that may have accumulated in your alveoli. With a better and good amount of oxygen, you will tend to inhale and exhale more air, which will improve the performance of your heart.

5. Source of Vitamin D

Practicing yoga outside will give you more time to spend under the sun. Vitamin D is a crucial source to have healthy bones. The deficiency of Vitamin D can be linked to the limited exposure to the sun. 

One of its main benefits is that you will get your daily dose of Vitamin D, which is wonderful in weight loss and fighting depression. So, whenever you get a chance, you should practice yoga in the open and revitalize your bones with Vitamin D.

8 Benefits of Outdoor Yoga Therapy

6. Cleansing of Negative Emotions

Practicing yoga outside will help you to connect with your surroundings and enable you to make a strong bond with the environment around you. With your foot on the ground, your root chakra will match the frequency of the surroundings, which will make your mind more receptive and sync better with the rhythms of your heartbeat. With your heart and soul in sync during meditation, emotions will arise, and your feelings will lighten. This will help in increasing your confidence and self-realization.

7. Decreases Levels of Stress

Studies have shown that people who have more exposure to natural settings than an urban environment are less susceptible to stress. As cited by Clifford, Buddha did his meditation in a forest and not in a meditation hall. The natural sounds coming from the wind, trees, and birds will bring more comfort and relaxation to you.

8. Improves Concentration and Listening Ability

Studios or your home cannot beat up nature when it comes to serenity. The music played on the audio system while practicing yoga is far from the sounds of nature and its reality. When you practice yoga in the arms of Mother Nature, your listening skills will improve automatically as you will be away from the man-made noise pollution. In between the sounds of nature, you will be able to establish a connection with your inner self.

#Pro Tips for Yoga while Traveling

  • Just pack one pair of Yoga pants and a travel mat. No need to carry more. Just choose the one that fits you with no fancy names and you should be comfortable with that.
  • Don’t be shy. Speak to people. Maybe you get a chance to meet a yoga teacher at your travel destination. That could be a good chance to share and get new Yoga lessons.
  • Seek adventure on your travels. Go explore and find places that inspire you to do Yoga. It could be a mountain, parks, beaches, forests, etc.

Author Bio

Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He organizes 200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. Manmohan Singh conducts Yoga Teacher Training in Goa in different cities. He loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature, Himalayas, and Trekking in India.

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8 Benefits of Outdoor Yoga Therapy in Nature #yogatherapy #outdoorYoga #YogainNature #nture #yoga #therapy #benefits

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