Pros & Cons of a Road Trip With a Young Family

Pros & Cons of Road Trips With A Young Family #traxplorers #roadtrips #youngfamilytravels #familyroadtrip #familytravels #proscons

Road Trip with kid(s): How worthful?

This post is greatly influenced by many queries we got from our readers regarding road trips with kid. The most obvious question raised by all is how do you guys manage road trips with your little kid? Is it safe or how hard to drive down to your holiday destinations when you have a baby/kid on board? Here, through this post author has tried to give a clear picture of managing road trip as a young family which comes with some pros and cons. The basic idea is to provide a good feedback to those families who are still in dilemma about road trip. So, just read this article for some tips to survive your next road trip as a young family. This may help you to decide your future road trip with young kids.

If you’re considering travelling abroad, a road trip is an excellent way to pack as much culture, sightseeing and amazing views in as possible. With the freedom of the road in front of you, there’s nothing better than taking your time and enjoying the local sights and sounds. But when it comes to vacation time with young children, is there quite as much you can do? It depends on your perspective, and your goals for your road trip as a whole.

Pros & Cons of Road Trips With A Young Family #traxplorers #roadtrips #youngfamilytravels #familyroadtrip #familytravels #proscons

Here are just some of the pros and cons of travelling on a road trip as a young family:


Give your children a love for travelling from a young age

Often, we consider the destination an essential part of travelling. But enjoying the actual journey is just as vital for children and adults alike to really appreciate a location or holiday. Choosing to travel by road trip provides children with a completely different perspective on what a holiday can be, and gives them far more opportunities to experience new things. Getting on the road can offer a brand-new way to get to know a particular country, and for younger children especially it gets them used to long days of travel – which makes it easier for them when they are older.

Experience adventure at your own pace

While all-inclusive holidays often feel like the more comfortable option when it comes to going abroad with little ones, the faster pace and requirements of a destination with everything organised for you can often leave you feeling out of breath and unable to take time for yourselves. Road trips, on the other hand, favour a slower pace of life. Whether you want to stretch your legs and enjoy lunch in a beautiful nearby village, take breaks to explore amazing natural locations or get out and about to find out what’s out there. Road trips allow you to experience everything at a pace that’s suitable for your family, which is especially vital with small children where rushing isn’t on the agenda.

Pros & Cons of Road Trips With A Young Family #traxplorers #roadtrips #youngfamilytravels #familyroadtrip #familytravels #proscons


Tiredness and driving don’t go together

Small children generally come part and parcel with lack of sleep for their parents. Road trips in an adult-only party can be tiring enough when you’re on the road all day, but doing so after a broken night’s sleep can potentially be dangerous. Across the EU, for example, fatality rates on the road are the lowest they have ever been, but targets are still not being met. Sleep deprivation can be just as dangerous on the road as being under the influence, so knowing when to take a break and a nap if you choose to go on a road trip is vital. While kids tend to sleep better in the car, if this leaves them awake all night when you stop then it’s not much use for the parents.

Pros & Cons of Road Trips With A Young Family #traxplorers #roadtrips #youngfamilytravels #familyroadtrip #familytravels #proscons

Lack of amenities and options on the road

For toddlers and babies, the lack of amenities on the road can lead to problems when road-tripping. Unless you plan out your route in advance, with plenty of baby-changing facilities on the way, at least a few roadside toilet stops or nappy changes will likely be required. Of course, every parent knows that hygiene items for children are non-optional, but unlike specifically-booked hotel stays or package holidays, there are not always clean facilities to make use of in the evenings. Depending on where you are, rest stops or similar facilities may also not be available for long stretches, which is something to consider with slightly older children too. Using apps, in some countries, can provide you with information for planning out your stops, making travel significantly more straightforward.


While there are plenty of advantages and disadvantages to opting for a road trip with a young family, there’s no denying that there’s something a little bit magical about going on the road as a family. Instilling that love of adventure and excitement in discovering new places is a vital part of enriching the lives of children. So while there are some challenges facing road-trippers with young families, it seems that there’s plenty to love about them as well. Whatever your choice, being well-prepared and understanding your limits is the best way to make that next family road trip a success.

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Pros & Cons of Road Trips With A Young Family #traxplorers #roadtrips #youngfamilytravels #familyroadtrip #familytravels #proscons

Pros & Cons of Road Trips With A Young Family #traxplorers #roadtrips #youngfamilytravels #familyroadtrip #familytravels #proscons

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  1. Richa sharma says:

    Great to know this. Very good article.👌

    1. Glad you liked this. Thanks ❤️

  2. Interesting points. As a child we always travelled by car to our summer holidays and whilst the road trip was only a few days, it was perfectly doable (with 2 adults sharing the driving and pre-booked accommodation).

    1. Great to know that we both shared the same experience. Family travels with road trip is an awesome vacation recipe. Isn’t it?

  3. It is so great to inspire that wanderlust in children at a young age. It just means that you need to pick destinations that are kid friendly. Or plan fun kid stuff as part of the travel experience. Great way to build family memories.

    1. Truly said. This makes your travels fun plus memories to cherish. Great way to introduce kids to the world as well as building family relations that lasts for lifetime.

  4. I totally agree with you, great post. It was funny that my 7-yea- old just asked me to go on a trip a few months later and they actually offered (and excited) to do the trip planning! Today’s tiny people’s mind is full of surprises… @ knycx.journeying

    1. Oh wow! Great to know this. Yes, today’s kids are more aware of such activities and they take interest in outdoor planning gives me such a relief. Thanks for sharing your experience. ❤️

  5. This is a great article, weve been on a few road trips but never in a car. My parents always had a RV but this was very interesting to learn if we ever do one with our family in a car!

    1. That sounds great. We always wanted to have road trip in RV. But still managing in our car only. Lol!
      Hope to have such in RV too. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  6. I think your point about giving children a love for travel from an early age is so important. When kids travel day after day and it’s expected that they will adapt, they do. I’ve seen that work in my own family!

    1. Absolutely correct. Great to know your own family experience. We are having same experiences with our little daughter too.

  7. Lack of amenities is a big con according to me but spending that quality time with family rises above it for me.

    1. Yes, true. Lack of amenities is a big con. Sometimes it caused big discomfort. But all discomfort overshadows with the quality family time we spend together.

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